Today the Second Sunday of Easter, we celebrate the Divine Mercy Sunday which reminds us of the mercy of God towards us. Our salvation story is a story of mercy centered on God’s Love for us. God’s mercy is evident in His love for us that He sent His only begotten Son to suffer and die for us, so as to wipe away our sins, grant us salvation and redeem us from Satan’s grasp. Love as we know is the greatest commandment and God is Love, hence as His disciples and sons and daughters, we are to show, share and live out that love in our world today.

Today's first reading from the Acts of the Apostles tells us of how Christ's apostles and disciples went about showing, sharing and living out the love of God to their neighbors. So what holds us back from doing so today in our world? Doubt, Pride and Disbelief are the three reasons why we lack Love in our world today.

What is Doubt? Doubt is a feeling of uncertainty or a lack of conviction. Like we heard in the Gospel reading today, doubt was what restricted Thomas from believing in the resurrection of Christ. The same doubt has made it impossible for us to truly believe in God. We look and search for empirical facts, miracles, and evidences to believe in God while He clearly shows us His presence in our lives through the mercies, graces and blessings He bestows on us daily.

What is Pride? Pride is a feeling or deep pleasure or satisfaction derived from one's own achievements. It is a consciousness of one's own dignity and self-respect. Pride robs us of acknowledging God's supremacy in our world and lives. We have become our own gods and believe that the world revolves around us and that we are in charge of everything and God is not in charge or in control. Remember, "man, though art dust and to dust though shall return!" we are reminded on Ash Wednesday. So let God be the center of our lives and be in control, then we follow His lead to attain that kingdom He has set apart for us in heaven.

What is Disbelief? Disbelief is the inability or refusal to accept that something is true or real and the lack of faith. We Catholic Christians participate almost daily in the life of the Church and yet we don't believe in its teachings and doctrines. How then can you be an example of Christ without accepting His teachings? How can one say I believe in God and I am a disciple of Christ and yet doesn’t accept what Christ teaches or live out the gospel?

Brothers and sisters, as we celebrate the Divine Mercy Sunday today, let us ask God to help and assist us live our His mercy and love in our world today. Let us have His mercy, compassion, forgiveness and kindness change our lives for good to proclaim and live out His teachings in our world today. Amen.