category: recent

7th Sunday of Ordinary Time, Year C

7th Sunday of Ordinary Time, Year C


Let us model our lives after Jesus’s example; by serving and helping others; by living a sacrificial life for the sake of others; by being loving, patient, kind, and gentle to others as God is to us; by living our lives in total submission to God's will; and by working diligently, because our reward will be great in heaven and we will be true children of the Most High as stated by Jesus in today’s gospel reading.

19th February –  St. Boniface of Lausanne

19th February – St. Boniface of Lausanne


Loving God and Father, help us to stand firm in You and always keep our eyes and hearts on You like St. Boniface of Lausanne. May we serve You faithfully no matter what trials we face and grow in loving You as we draw others to Your service. We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen.

6th Sunday of Ordinary Time, Year C

6th Sunday of Ordinary Time, Year C


Hence my brothers and sisters in Christ, like today’s first reading and gospel reading teaches us, let us bypass the pleasures of this world by truly trusting in God and always pleasing Him, so as to receive the eternal reward - the unlimited happiness of heaven set up apart for us.

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