category: recent

25th Sunday of Ordinary Time, Year B

25th Sunday of Ordinary Time, Year B


My brothers and sisters in Christ, as Jesus reminded us in today’s gospel reading to be the last of all and the servant of all, if we wish to be first, let us become better servants and disciples of Christ by becoming true servants of all in our devotedness to God, in our obedience to Him, by being humble and by being honest in our service to Him and in our dealings with others.

19th September – St Januarius

19th September – St Januarius


Yes, true hope is only born from the Blood of Christ and blood poured out for him. There is blood which is the sign of death, but there is also blood that expresses love and life. The Blood of Jesus and the blood of the Martyrs, like that of your own beloved Patron St Januarius, is a source of new life - Pope Benedict XVI

16th September – Saints Cornelius & Cyprian

16th September – Saints Cornelius & Cyprian


We must carry out the will of God rather than our own. This is what we pledge to do in the “Our Father”, which we recite every day. What a travesty it would be if, after praying that God’s will be done, we should carry out that will halfheartedly and only because we are obliged to do so - Saint Cyprian

24th Sunday of Ordinary Time, Year B

24th Sunday of Ordinary Time, Year B


My dear brothers and sisters, as Jesus reminds us of the demands of discipleship today, let us answer our call to discipleship better by knowing and acknowledging Christ in our lives; by denying our own desires, interests and needs for the greater glory of God’s name; by taking up our crosses daily and by following Christ as we live out our faith through our works.

13th September - Saint John Chrysostom

13th September - Saint John Chrysostom


Be ashamed when you sin, don't be ashamed when you repent. [To repent means to have a change of heart and mind. It is not simply a feeling of sorrow, but a psycho/spiritual growth away from evil/death and a turning to God/life].

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