We are all God’s children and we are his disciples who He called to go out and proclaim His Goodnews. In the first reading from the Acts of the Apostles, Peter proclaims and witnesses to the resurrected Christ. In the second reading, St. John praises and glorifies God. How often do we proclaim and witness to our risen Lord? How often do we acknowledge Him and glorify Him in our lives? How often do we even recognize His presence in our lives today like the Apostles in the gospel reading today?

My dear brothers and sisters, being a Christian is not just about answering that name christian or just going to Mass every Sunday or receiving the Sacraments or participating in various ministries in the Church or assisting in any way in the church, being a Christian as we heard from today’s readings is about glorifying and praising God, witnessing to Him and proclaiming Him in our world today. So, how have you glorified or praised God in your life especially when you think about all he has done for you and continues to do for you? How do you witness to God and proclaim God in the world today? Do you pay attention to the fact that your life as a Christian should reflect and show God to others? Do you tell people about God? Do you show people who Christ is through your actions and examples? Do you allow God to use you as His instrument of evangelization, peace, love, mercy and forgiveness?

Let us pray and ask God to help us witness to Him daily in our lives, proclaim Him always with and in our lives and never stop glorifying and praising Him. Amen.