Christmas is the celebration of the birth of our Lord Jesus Christ, His Incarnation. It reminds us of God's love for us and our salvation. But this understanding might have lost it meaning over the years as we have turned it into just a physical celebration forgetting its religious significance and importance.

As you celebrate Christmas today, ask yourself, what does Christmas mean to or for me? What difference does it make in my life? How can it be spiritually fruitful for me? And what are its spiritual significance in my Christian life? Christmas should do the following for us:

  1. It should invoke a spirit of religiosity in us;
  2. It should lead us to reconciliation, harmony and peace with God and our neighbors;
  3. It should be a time of practicing charity and showing concern for the poor and underprivileged among us;
  4. It should lead us to joy and happiness no matter what we are facing or going through; and
  5. It should remind us of Christ's presence in our life.

Hence my brothers and sisters, let us incorporate these characteristics of Christmas into our celebration this year and let us truly and spiritually celebrate the birth of our Savior Jesus Christ. MERRY CHRISTMAS!