As we just celebrated the Incarnation and birth of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Church celebrates today, the Solemnity of the Divine Motherhood of Mary, that is, Mary the Mother of God, who gave birth to Jesus Christ. With the birth of Jesus, we have been given new life, what better way to begin this new life and New Year 2023 than with the Solemnity of Mary, the Mother of God and the first disciple of Jesus. Today’s solemnity shows us and emphasizes to us, the role of the Blessed Virgin Mary in the great mystery of God’s love for us, as shown us in the Incarnation.

Today’s solemnity actually crushes the arguments of other churches or denominations who deny and do not accept the importance of Mary in our lives as Christians. We are reminded by today’s solemnity that there is no way we can worship our Lord Jesus Christ, without recognizing and honoring His mother Mary, who is blessed among women and who gave birth to Him.

Look at the manger, look at Mary, the mother of Jesus, and the way she looks at Jesus her son, and think about what she went through in order to be the Mother of Jesus, for our salvation and redemption. This is why she is special and important in our lives as Christians. She is special because of her role in our redemption. She is the mother of God and our mother also who loves and cares for us, as we are reminded in John 19:26-27- “Woman, behold, your son.” Then he said to the disciple, “Behold, your mother.” She also intercedes for us as she did at the wedding in Cana in Galilee, John 2:1-11.

We are reminded by today’s solemnity that, Mary’s motherhood is centered on love for God and her neighbor; her dedication and commitment to God, and her perseverance in her faith in God. Therefore, today’s solemnity calls us to exemplify these wonderful virtues lived out by Mary, that is, to love God, and one another as Mary loved Jesus Christ, his apostles, disciples and us. Today’s solemnity calls us to be dedicated, and committed to God, like Mary was all through her life. And lastly, today’s solemnity calls us to persevere in our faith in God, by working hard in our spiritual lives this New Year 2023, to be true and faithful disciples of Christ.

So my brothers and sisters, let us ask for the intercession of our blessed mother, Mary, the mother of God, and our mother, that she may teach us how to love God better, be totally dedicated and committed to Him, and continually persevere in good works and faith. Amen!