Today we celebrate the Feast of the Presentation of the Lord! Today our Lord Jesus Christ, the co-eternal Son was presented in the Temple by Mary and Joseph, and revealed by the Spirit as the Glory of Israel and Light of the nations. As we heard in today’s gospel reading, from the Holy Gospel according to St. Luke, chapters 2, verse 22 to 40, Simeon and Anna saw God’s promise fulfilled in their lifetime with the presentation of Jesus in the temple, that they both showed their trust in God’s faithfulness and proclaimed His greatness and love.

We have began our year 2025 with the celebration of the Birth of Christ, His Epiphany, and His Baptism. Today’s Feast of the Presentation of the Lord, calls us to renew our dedication to God by offering Him our entire being, our thoughts, our works, all we have and all we are. We are also urged by today’s feast to ask ourselves how we have shown our trust and faithfulness to God like Simeon and Anna did.

So we can show our trust and faithfulness to God by illuminating the world with Christ, which entails lightning the world with Jesus’s love and by showing and sharing His glory and gospel to the world. My brothers and sisters, let us go out like Simeon and Anna to praise, adore, worship and glorify our Lord Jesus Christ, who is the Light and a of the world.