Today we end the Easter season with Pentecost Sunday. The Solemnity of the Pentecost is a celebration of the Spirit of God empowering us to go out and live out as well as proclaim the gospel of Christ fearlessly. It is a celebration of the day the Holy Spirit, the third Person of the Holy Trinity bestowed upon the Apostles and disciples of Christ the seven precious gifts of Spirit to sanctify and strengthen their faith in God so as to be strong enough to go out to the world and witness to Jesus by proclaiming the gospel to all peoples. The Holy Spirit made the impossible become possible, as the apostles and disciples of Christ who were scared and fearful of their lives because of the crucifixion and death of their Lord, received the Holy Spirit then became energized and transformed that they proclaimed the gospel of Christ faithfully, fearlessly and with conviction. So what are the gifts of the Holy Spirit received by the apostles?

So what are the gifts of the Holy Spirit received by the apostles?

The gifts of the Spirit given the Apostles were the gift of Wisdom, Understanding, Counsel, Fortitude, Knowledge, Piety, and Fear of the Lord. So what difference did these gifts make in their lives? With these gifts, they became firm and strengthened in their faith in God and fearlessly went forth to proclaim that faith to all peoples. The gifts of the Holy Spirit they received made them become more obedient, persevering and hardworking in their calling as disciples of Christ. The gifts of the Holy Spirit they received helped them grow more in their relationship with God and in their prayer life. The gifts of the Holy Spirit they received made them one, united together in the sufferings of Christ so as to faithfully live out His gospel in the world.

So for us Catholic Christians here today, what has the gifts of the Holy Spirit we received on our Confirmation day done in our lives today? How have we put them to good use in our spiritual lives today? Have we abandoned them to become dormant and useless in our lives and in our call as disciples of Christ? Have the gifts of the Holy Spirit we received on our Confirmation day helped us be more faithful, obedient and dedicated to God? Have these gifts received from the Holy Spirit helped us grow and deepen our faith in God and in our prayer lives? Have these gifts brought us closer together as God’s family and as a Church to work for the greater glory of God’s name?

My dear brothers and sisters in Christ, it is time to re-activate and use the gifts of the Holy Spirt we received on our Confirmation Day. So let us pray today that the Holy Spirit will sanctify, illumine, enlighten and strengthen us to go out to the world and proclaim as well as live out the gospel of Christ like the apostles and disciples of Christ did. Amen!