Pentecost Sunday is the feast of the Holy Spirit. It crowns Christ’s redeeming work among us, as the Holy Spirit comes to abide with the Church spread the gospel of hope, love and redemption. Today’s Solemnity reminds us of the birth and beginning of the Catholic Church and how the Holy Spirit, the Paraclete continues to sanctify and strengthen us, His Church, as He did to the Apostles that made them witness to Jesus fearlessly, courageously and ceaselessly. In today’s First Reading from the Acts of the Apostles, chapter 2, verse 1 to 11, we heard of the sanctification and transformation experienced by the apostles and disciples of Christ, that led them to proclaim Christ fearlessly to others in different tongues and languages. In our Second Reading from the First Letter of Saint Paul to the Corinthians, chapter 12, verses 3 to 7 and 12 to 13, we hear of how the spirit-filled and sanctified community of disciples are called to utilize the gifts and talents bestowed on them for the greater glory of God’s name, and as one family of faith. Then in the Gospel of Saint John, chapter 20, verse 19 to 23, we hear of how Jesus breathed the Holy Spirit on his apostles and disciples, sending them forth to proclaim His gospel to the world. So today’s solemnity reminds us to witness to Christ, by utilizing the gifts of the Holy Spirit we have received. How?

  1. By being Docile, that is, by being submissive and obedient to the will of God, as well as hardworking in our spiritual lives, so as to help and aid our fellow Christians to live a holy life by accepting and following Christ’s teachings through the Church.
  2. By being Prayerful, that is, by being consistent in our conversation with God to praise, bless, worship, adore, thank Him and ask Him for our needs, so as to live a life of true holiness in Him.
  3. Being ready to sacrifice and carry our crosses, as we continue to follow Christ, so as to effectively and efficiently preach the gospel of Christ; help and lead others closer to Him. My dear brothers and sisters, as we celebrate and meditate on today’s Solemnity of Pentecost, let us strive to continue to love God all the more by being docile in our spiritual lives, by being prayerful and by being ready to sacrifice and work hard for the greater glory of God.