Today we celebrate the Feast of the Holy Family of Jesus, Mary and Joseph, which is an example and inspiration for a truly meaningful family life, reminding us of the love that should exist in every family. The family is the basic unit of society and the first Church of every child born into this world. The family is also the foundation of the society, when it is weak or divided, society crumbles, but when it is strong and united, the society progresses and grows. So today’s feast emphasizes the importance of making our families holy like that of Jesus, Mary and Joseph. There is an urgent call to make our families holy today because the family as a unit is under attack in our world. So it is our duty as God’s children to sustain, defend and safeguard the family. But before we can do so, we need to know what the characteristics of a holy family are. These are some of the characteristics of a holy family:

Firstly, a holy family is a family centered on God as it’s foundation because God is love, hence the love that should exist in a family should be centered on God. This emphasizes the fact that love is the binding force that unites and nurtures the family.
Secondly, a holy family is a family that everyone communicates with each other, parents among themselves and with their children.
Thirdly, a holy family is a family that everyone listens to each other with their hearts and not just with their ears.
Fourthly, a holy family is a family where everyone values and respects each other and strives to understand each other better.
Lastly, a holy family is a family in which everyone sacrifices for the common good and for others to grow following the example of Jesus our Lord.

My brothers and sisters in Christ, as we celebrate the Feast of the Holy Family of Jesus, Mary and Joseph today, let us ask God to help, protect, guide and assist us in our families to love Him all the more by loving one another, by communicating with one another, by listening to each other, by understanding one another and by sacrificing for one another. Amen!