Today we celebrate the feast of the Holy Family of Jesus, Mary and Joseph. In our first reading from the book of Genesis, God promises and blesses Abram with a child and a multitude of descendants. Our second reading from the letter to the Hebrews re-echoes God’s mercy and love to Abraham while emphasizing Abraham’s faith in God that made the blessings he received possible. Our gospel from the gospel of Saint Luke tells us the story of the presentation of our Lord in the temple and how Simeon and Anna praised and blessed Him and Mary and Joseph. All our readings today talk about the family as we celebrate the feast of the Holy Family of Jesus, Mary and Joseph. So what makes a family holy or what are the characteristics of a holy family? A Holy Family is a family centered on (these characteristics) - Faith in God, Love, Patience and Sacrifice as shown us by the holy family of Jesus, Mary and Joseph. Faith in God - which is our belief in God shown in our thoughts, words and actions should be the center and focus of every family. With God at the hem of affairs in every family, there will be not worries or disappointments, that’s why we need to deepen our faith in Him. It was Abram’s faith in God as we heard in the first and second reading that brought about the blessings he received from God. It was the faith of Mary and Joseph that urged them to say "yes" to God in answer to their role in our salvation story. It was faith that led Simeon and Anna as we heard in the gospel reading to stand firm and steadfast in God then encounter, witness, bless and worship Jesus in His presentation in the temple. How strong is your faith in God? Do you truly and sincerely believe in Him and show that belief in your thoughts, words and actions? Love - which is the greatest commandment should be evident and present in every family because God is love and everyone who abides in love, abides in God. Our story and life as Christians today, is a story of love, that is, God’s act of love towards us in our creation, redemption and salvation. So, do you love God? Do you love your neighbor as God loves you? Do you show and share the love of Christ in your thoughts, words and actions?

Patience - which is the capacity or ability to accept or tolerate delay, trouble, or suffering without getting angry or upset should also be present in every family since God is patient, kind and merciful to us. The patience of Abram led to God’s blessings on him. The patience of Mary and Joseph helped them fulfill their mission in our salvation story. The patience of Simeon and Anna as we heard in the gospel reading today, led to their encounter with the baby Jesus in the temple. How often do you pay attention to God mercy and patience towards you? How patient are you with yourself as you work on your sins and faults to make changes in them and come closer to God? How patient are you with others?

Sacrifice - which is an act of giving up something that you want to keep especially in order to get or do something else or to help someone, helps us participate in the life of Christ while deepening our faith in Him. The Sacrifice of God in sending His only begotten Son to us to suffer and die is a perfect example of the sacrifice that should exist in family life. The sacrifice of Abraham in leaving his homeland, listening to God and following His injunctions led to the blessings he received from God. The sacrifices of Mary and Joseph made our salvation story a reality. The sacrifices of Simeon and Anna in dedicating their lives to God, blessed them with their encounter with the baby Jesus today and many more graces and mercies from God. What sacrifices have you made for God or for yourself to change your life for God? What sacrifices have you made in your spiritual life to deepen your faith in God as His child?

My dear brothers and sisters, as we celebrate the Feast of the Holy Family of Jesus, Mary and Joseph today, let us emulate their practices of Faith in God, Love, Patience and Sacrifice, which are the basis of a holy family and strive to make our families holy and centered on God today. Amen!