Happy Easter to you all! Today we celebrate the glorious resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ which is the center of our Catholic faith and life because without the resurrection of Christ, there will be no Catholic Church today. With the resurrection of Christ, a great light has shown on the world this is what we celebrated at the Holy Saturday vigil Mass. The paschal candle reminds us that Christ is the light of the world and that we are no longer living in darkness but are called to live in His light with His resurrection. This call to live in the light of the resurrected Christ, is our call to the apostolate to be the light of Christ and to carry that light to others.

St. Paul emphasizes this apostolate to be the light of Christ in today’s second reading Col. 3:1-4 by saying, “Brothers and sisters: If then you were raised with Christ, seek what is above, where Christ is seated at the right hand of God. Think of what is above, not of what is on earth.” So we have to change our lives now and seek to live out the life of Christ. How can we do this? We can do so by paying better attention to ourselves that is our body, mind and spirit and by being the light of Christ in our community.

Paying attention to our body - means taking care of our bodies as the temple of the Holy Spirit through proper food and nutrition, exercising regularly and have enough rest. Paying attention to our minds means taking care of our minds which entails feeding our minds with positive and uplifting thoughts, getting rid of anger, jealousy, malice etc.

Paying attention to our spirit involves us growing in our spiritual lives through prayer, meditation, reading of the scriptures and spiritual books and participating actively in the sacrament and liturgies. Being the light of Christ in our community means spreading God’s love, joy, peace and light in our community for the common good of all through our words and actions.

My brothers and sisters as we celebrate the resurrection of Christ today, let us live in the light of the resurrected Christ by proclaiming Him to the world through paying better attention to our body, mind and spirit and by being the light of Christ in our community