"Jesus Christ is risen! Love has triumphed over hatred, life has conquered death, light has dispelled the darkness" said Pope Francis. With the resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ, we are called to celebrate the risen Lord in our lives by letting His love overcome all our worries, sorrows, pains, suffering, trials, persecutions, hardships and difficulties. It is time to rise from all that pulls us down or away from God and renew our lives by/with God's Spirit within us. But how can we resurrect with Christ and renew our lives in Him this Easter season? We can resurrect with Christ today and renew our lives in Him stated Fr. Vincent Pereira by respecting our bodies that is, by taking care of it through eating and drinking right and healthy, exercising regularly and having enough rest. We can also resurrect with Christ today and renew our lives in Him by embracing love, compassion, peace, harmony and respect for all, thereby staying away from and avoiding all forms of negativity, stereotyping, prejudice, anger, resentment, frustrations etc. Lastly, we can resurrect with Christ today and renew our lives in Him by being vibrant in our community through spreading joy, happiness, laughter, solace, comfort and positivity among all. My brothers and sisters, Christ our Lord us risen from the dead, and calls on us to rise with Him to newness of life, so it is time for us to bring fresh vigor to our bodies, a positive outlook in our minds and hearts and a new vibrant presence within our community. Peace be with you!