During these difficult times of the COVID-19 pandemic, we have so many thoughts going through our minds. When we hear of and see the number of lives lost, the number of those affected by this deadly virus, how economies, countries and almost the world has been shut down, we are scared, confused and worried about tomorrow and what’s next for us and our loved ones. We worry about ourselves, family, friends, neighbors, people, country and even the world. We question God asking Him where He is in these moments of the COVID-19 pandemic? We ask Him if He still exists, is real or is He about to destroy the world? We go on to question the Church, our faith and our beliefs asking ourselves where and when will this pandemic end and what are we going to do next with our Churches closed and almost everything shut down?

In these moments of worry, anxiety, sorrow, pain and uncertainty, we are asked by Jesus as He asked the blind man He healed in today’s gospel reading, "Do you believe in the Son of Man?" This question of Jesus to the healed blind man is for all of us in these difficult times, "Do you believe in the Son of Man?" This question reminds us of who is in charge and in control of the world. God is in charge and in control, not the COVID-19 virus or the devil, but God Himself. This question also reminds us of who we are and who we should believe and trust in. Who are we - we are daughters and sons of God made in His own image and likeness and disciples of Christ. Who should we believe and trust in - we are called to believe and trust in God, who saved and redeemed us through Jesus Christ, His Son. Also let us not forget the response of the healed blind man, "I do believe, Lord." We are called by Jesus in today’s gospel reading to respond to Him like the healed blind man, "I do believe, Lord," and show and share that belief in these moments by standing firm in our faith in God.

Saint Paul in our second reading today from the Letter of Saint Paul to the Ephesians 5:8-14 tells to us to arise from the dead, and Christ will give us light. Saint Paul reminds us of our redemption saying "You were once darkness, but now you are light in the Lord. Live as children of light, for light produces every kind of goodness and righteousness and truth." These words of Saint Paul emphasizes once again our belief in God, calling on us to be the children of light in our darkened world today. We are called to be the light in the Lord that will console the weary, calm and bring peace to the worried and anxious, proclaim hope in time of despair and continue to lead people closer to God.

My dear brothers and sisters, let us pray in today’s Eucharistic celebration that we will deepen and strengthen our faith and belief in God, then continue to trust and hope in Him even in these difficult times in our world today. Amen!