2nd Sunday of Ordinary Time, Year C
Today we celebrate the Second Sunday of Ordinary Time, and in our First Reading today from the Book of the Prophet Isaiah, chapter 62, verse 1 to 5, we are told not to be silent or quiet but to rejoice and be glad because the Savior is here, and our LORD delights in us, for we are a glorious crown in the hand of the LORD, and a royal diadem held by our God.” These words we heard today not only remind us of the birth of our Savior Jesus Christ into our world to save us, but it also reminds us of God’s blessings, graces and mercies upon us which many times, we take for granted and are ungrateful for. Take a moment now to think about how blessed you are by God. Think about what you have achieved or accomplished in life today and see if all these would have been possible without the help of God? Think about the gift of life you have today, which is a gift from God and not out of your merit? Think about all these and more, then you can understand like the Israelites in today’s First Reading that you have to continuously rejoice in the Lord and praise His Holy Name always. So how can we continuously rejoice in the Lord and praise Him?
Saint Paul, in our Second Reading, from his First Letter to the Corinthians, chapter 12, verse 4 to 11 tells us to be grateful and to rejoice in the Lord and to praise His Name because of the different kinds of spiritual gifts He has given us, for our use in showing Him to the world, and for proclaiming His gospel to the world. St. Paul goes on to remind us that it is still the same spirit, the same Lord and the same God who produces all of these spiritual gifts and who calls us to service for Him with these gifts. So my dear friends, how do we put these spiritual gifts given us by God into service?
Today’s Gospel reading with the story of the first miracle of Jesus Christ at Cana in Galilee, where he turned water into wine teaches us to put into use the spiritual gifts given us by God like Jesus did, to praise God’s Holy Name. This gospel story also teaches us that we should never be worried, scared or ashamed to use the spiritual gifts we have received from God to serve and worship Him in our world today.
So my dear brothers and sisters in Christ, rejoice and be glad because our LORD delights in us, for we are a glorious crown in the hand of the Lord, and a royal diadem held by our God. Worship, praise and adore God wholeheartedly and always, then like Jesus in the gospel reading, go out into the world and put to good use, the spiritual gifts God has bestowed on you as St. Paul informed us in today’s Second Reading.