Today we celebrate the Third Sunday of Advent also known as Guadete Sunday, a name that stems from the first and second readings of today, calling on us to rejoice and be joyful because our Lord is near. We are called to rejoice and be joyful because soon our Savior will be born to grant us redemption and salvation. Though we are called to rejoice and be joyful by today’s first and second readings, Saint John the Baptist reminds us that we have to prepare ourselves to welcome our Lord Jesus Christ on Christmas Day by repenting from our sins. Saint John the Baptist calls us to repentance this Advent season, and through his responses to the crowd, the tax collectors and the soldiers asks us to prepare for the coming of Christ by:

Being charitable to others, that is by helping or assisting others with our gifts, prayers, talents and with our presence when needed. How often do we share what we have with those who have nothing or those in need? How often do we reach out to others to help them out when they are in need of our help and assistance? How often do we pray for those who need our prayers, those who have asked us to pray for them and those who have no one praying for them? How often have we supported others by being there for them with our presence when they are lonely, down or forgotten?
Saint John the Baptist calls us to repentance this Advent season when he reminded the tax collectors and soldiers to perform their duties in extraordinary ways and diligently - with integrity, sincerity, straightforwardness, justice and love. How dedicated are we in our duties as Christians or as faithful citizens or as workers? How sincere and straightforward are we in our dealings with others and for others? How just are we in our actions, lifestyles and examples? How loving and caring are we with others, especially people we do not know or like?
My brothers and sisters, it is time to prepare ourselves well to welcome Jesus into our lives and world on Christmas Day. So let us do so by being charitable to others and by performing our duties in extraordinary ways and diligently - with integrity, sincerity, straightforwardness, justice and love. Amen!