My brothers and sisters in Christ, as we begin the season of Lent this 2018, Christ reminds us in today’s gospel reading that "The time has come and that the kingdom of God has come near. Repent and believe the gospel" - Mark 1:15. Yes, that time has indeed come and it is Lent. A time of repentance and conversion, a time we are called to go back to God. We are called by today’s gospel reading to "repent and believe in the gospel." Ask yourself today - What am I repenting from? What area of my life needs change and repentance? What changes do I need in my life today to be a better disciple of Christ? What will these changes or repentance do for me? Do I truly believe in God or believe His gospel? How alive is my belief in God? How have I lived out the gospel of Christ in my life? What fruits have the gospel of Christ produced in me? Lent is not only a time when we are called to repentance through prayer, fasting and alms giving, but a time we are called to let these righteous deeds lead us to change and growth in our spiritual lives and firmness of faith in God. Remain blessed in the Lord!