Editor & Spiritual Director
Hence, if our actions should always reflect Christ to others and bear the fruit of love to manifest His love to the world and if the resurrection of our Lord is a call for us to show our faith in Him as we proclaim our risen Lord to the world, let us continually deepen our faith in God by praying daily, reading the Scriptures daily, and by living out the gospel of Christ always.
So my brothers and sisters, since today’s Palm Sunday celebration calls us to pledge our allegiance and loyalty to God who loves us through penance, mortification, fasting, charity and prayers, let us do so today with Humility, Patience and firmness of faith in Him as we participate in His passion and death this Holy Week.
So my dear brothers and sisters in Christ, look fervently and devoutly to the crucifix today and compare your willingness to endure the sufferings that come your way like Jesus did, so that you can bear fruit in the future. During this Lenten season, let us join Christ in His suffering, passion and death by giving up ourselves for love of Christ and our neighbors, so that we can bear good fruit this Easter season, with His joyful and glorious resurrection.