My brothers and sisters, let us always participate prayerfully and actively in the celebration of the Eucharist because true and authentic participation in the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass, identifies us with Jesus’s Heart, sustains our strength along the pilgrimage of this life, makes us long for eternal life, and unites us even now to the Church in heaven, the Blessed Virgin Mary, and all the saints.
My brothers and sisters in Christ, let us go out into the world and truly share Christ with others by proclaiming and teaching His gospel fearlessly and solely with His power and authority. Let us also avoid all distractions with prayer, so that we can focus and concentrate on our mission of evangelizing the world.
My dear brothers and sisters in Christ, let us be appreciative, grateful and thankful to God for His love for us, as we listen attentively to His words, as we wholeheartedly accept His words, as we truly follow Him, and as we sincerely live out His words and His love in our world.