Get Involved: Catholic Churchʼs New Evangelization Program
This goal of Rev.FICO is to re-emphasize and assist with the Catholic Churchʼs New Evangelization Program. This New Evangelization program involves preaching and proclaiming the Gospel of Christ with new ardor, with new methods and in new ways and expressions. This means re-proposing the faith to those who have received it or might have become lukewarm in the faith, and engaging our secular society in increasingly pluralistic situations to hear the Gospel of Christ.
With the Catholic Churchʼs New Evangelization Program, I found solace that I can do a lot by being grateful for all that I am and have, by spreading the Word of God in the world. This I did through my ministry as a priest, but I felt it was time to go out to the whole world and proclaim that good news of Christ better to the world with a new ardor, with new methods and in new ways and expressions. I chose to do so through music not only because I love music a lot, but because music has been used today as a medium to instill wrong ideas, teachings, false knowledge and conceptions in our youth and even the older generation. So, music has become my new method of preaching and proclaiming the Gospel of God and I wish it touches the lives of our younger and older generations, in there journey back to God and helps them say “YES” to God.