Hurts sometimes make us strong and perceptive about things that could happen. But how can we move on with our lives and not waste time thinking about them who cause our hurts? We can turn to Jesus and ask Him to free us from things that block us from living our life to the full.

Saint William, you were chosen by God to be the Archbishop of York, but were unjustly accused of simony. Your election was opposed by many in favor of another.  Even through all this, you never took your eyes off of Christ and his will for you. You devoted yourself to a life of prayer and mortification. After many years, you were finally restored to the See that was rightfully yours. Instead of reserving spite, you showed the utmost amount of forgiveness and love for those who had before been in opposition to your election. Please help us to follow your example of perseverance and forgiveness so that we may forgive our transgressors and always persevere in the Lord’s will. Amen. (Vitae Santorum)