Pope Damasus I placed the following inscription on the tomb in the catacomb of Sixtus: “At the time when the sword pierced the bowels of the Mother, I, buried here, taught as Shepherd, the Word of God; when suddenly the soldiers rushed in and dragged me from the chair. The faithful offered their necks to the sword but as soon as the Shepherd saw the ones who wished to rob him of the palm (of martyrdom) he was the first to offer himself and his own head, not tolerating that the (pagan) frenzy should harm the others. Christ, who gives recompense, made manifest the Shepherd’s merit, preserving unharmed the flock.”

Pope Saint Sixtus II, you followed the example of Saint Peter, and died a martyr’s death in that same city. Death did not scare you for you only feared deviating from Christ and His gospel. Pray for us to faithfully and courageously follow Christ even to laying down our lives for Him and His Church. Amen!