The greatest treasure we can possess is the love of God in our hearts (because), the love of God is the most powerful force in the world. (Remember), the love of God and the love of neighbor are inseparable, (hence) true love is selfless and seeks the good of the other. (So since) Love is the virtue that unites all others, Charity is the virtue that makes us love our neighbor as ourselves - Saint Elizabeth of Portugal.

Saint Elizabeth, you were a queen in this world, but that royal dignity greatly paled in comparison to the saintly virtues you acquired. Please pray for me, that I will imitate your example and seek only those things that are eternal, rejecting the fleeting seductions of the world. May I learn from your life of prayer and charity, and discover the peace and joy that you did, so that I will give eternal glory to God in Heaven. Saint Elizabeth of Portugal, pray for us. (My Catholic Life)