I tell you, brothers and sisters, the time is running out. For the world in its present form is passing away said Saint Paul in our second reading today from 1 Cor 7:29-31. My dear friends in Christ, these words of Saint Paul to us emphasizes the urgency of change in our spiritual lives. There is really an urgent call to change our lives for God, because we (Christians) have forgotten who we are and what we are. Who are we, we are sons and daughters of Christ and what are we, we are disciples of Christ called to go out to proclaim and live out the gospel of Christ. Are we really living like children of God in our world today? Are we being His examples in the world? Are we touching the lives of others to say ‘yes’ to God, to deepen their lives and strengthen their faith in God? Are we proclaiming and living out the gospel of Christ in our world today? Can people really see and experience God in and through us? As Saint Paul reminds us of the urgency to change our lives as Christians and go back to God, Jesus emphasizes to us today in the gospel of Saint Mark 1:14-20 that now is the time of fulfillment because the kingdom of God is at hand. Hence, it is time to repent and believe in the gospel. So how can we repent and believe in the gospel?

Our first reading today from the Book of Prophet Jonah 3:1-5, 10, shows us how we can repent and believe in the gospel. Jonah told the Ninevites to repent and return to God, and they listened to his message from God and turned from their evil ways. So for us to repent and believe in the gospel, firstly, we have to LISTEN to the voice of God calling us to change. Secondly, we have ACCEPT His message to change our lives, then lastly, we have to LIVE OUT His gospel in the world. Have we really listened to God’s voice and message to us? We have heard and constantly hear God’s words and messages to us daily, but have we listened to Him so as to repent of our sins and come back to Him? Of course as Catholic Christians we have said ‘yes’ to God by receiving and participating in the sacraments, but have we truly and sincerely accepted His words and messages to us? We call ourselves Christians which means we are examples and followers of Christ, but do we really believe in the gospel of Christ and do we strive to let His gospel be part of our lives? How are we living out the gospel of Christ as His disciples and followers in our world today since we have been commissioned to go out to the whole world and proclaim and live out the Goodnews? Are we truly and sincerely living out the gospel of Christ we believe in?

My dear brothers and sisters, time is indeed running out, for the world in its present form is passing away. Now is the time of fulfillment because the kingdom of God is at hand. Hence, let us repent and believe in the gospel by LISTENING to the voice of God calling us to change, by ACCEPTING His message to change our lives today and by LIVING OUT His gospel in the world. Amen!