Who is a disciple of Christ? The Catechism of the Catholic Church defines a disciple of Christ as one who not only keeps the faith and lives on it, but also professes it, confidently bears witness to it, and spreads it” (Catechism of the Catholic Church, #1816). Hence, Discipleship is the call to keep and deepen our faith in God, live out that faith, profess it, confidently bear witness to it and spread it in the world. From these definition, we can tell that it is not easy being a disciple of Christ or answering the call to discipleship. Why? Because it is very obvious that being a disciple of Christ or answering the call to discipleship requires total commitment and service.

The second part of our gospel reading today from the gospel of Saint Matthew 4:12-23 tells us the story of the call of the first four disciples of Christ, Peter and Andrew, James and John. Of course when these four disciples were called, they didn’t know what they were getting themselves into, but they answered the call to discipleship and followed Jesus. The actions of Peter and Andrew, James and John in our gospel reading today teaches us how to answer the call to discipleship. How did they answer the call to discipleship? They answered the call to discipleship in two ways, by saying "Yes" to Christ and by following Him. What does saying "Yes" to Christ mean? Saying "Yes" to Christ means committing ourselves to keep and deepen our faith in God. When these first four disciples were called by Jesus, they answered the call by say “Yes” and left everything to follow Him. Saying "Yes" and leaving everything behind to follow Jesus shows their commitment in being His disciples. Ask yourself today my dear friend, have I truly answered "Yes" to God in my call to discipleship? Have I wholeheartedly given up everything and left everything behind to follow Jesus like Peter, Andrew, James and John? Am I truly committed in being a disciple of Christ?

Following Christ means being of service to Him by living out His gospel, professing our faith in Him, bearing witness to Him and spreading His gospel in the world. How have I being of service to God as a disciple of Christ? How have I lived out His gospel, professed my faith in Him, bore witness to Him and spread His gospel in the world today?

My dear brothers and sisters, let us pray in today’s Eucharistic celebration for the grace to truly and sincerely answer our call to discipleship like Peter, Andrew, James and John with a spirit of commitment and service to God, by keeping and deepening our faith in God, living out that faith, professing it always, confidently bearing witness to it daily and spreading it in the world. Amen!