Today’s gospel reading reminds us to be better disciples of Christ by preparing ourselves for his coming. In our second reading today, Saint Paul in his first letter to the Thessalonians 5:1-6 tells us to prepare ourselves very well that the day of the Lord will come like a thief at night. He continues that we should not sleep as the rest do, but stay alert and sober. In our gospel reading today from the gospel of Saint Matthew 25:14-30, Jesus uses the parable of the talents to teach us how to prepare ourselves for his coming and stated that ‘to everyone who has, more will be given and he will grow rich.’ So how are we preparing for the coming of Christ? How are we staying alert and sober as Saint Paul told us to? How can we put to use the talents God has given us? In fact, what does this preparation of coming of Christ entail or involve?

Firstly, preparing for the coming of Christ entails working hard in our spiritual lives and practices as opposed to laziness in our spiritual lives. Hard work here means open heartedly listening to the word of God, accepting the word we have heard and putting that word of God into practice in our daily living. Remember to do so, we have to put in a lot of effort in making this a reality, hence, it requires a lot of dedication and commitment. Are we ready to be true disciples of Christ? Are we ready to open up our hearts and ears to listen to his word, accept it and put them into practice?

Secondly, preparing for the coming of Christ entails using our talents and gifts for the greater glory of God and in answer to our call to discipleship. What are your talents and gifts that God has blessed you with? How are you making use of these talents and gifts from God in the propagation of the gospel of Christ? How have you enhanced these talents and gifts of God you have been blessed with? Thirdly and lastly, preparing for the coming of Christ entails going out of our comfort zones by taking risks in our spiritual lives and practices. What risks have you taken to make sure the gospel of Christ is heard in our world and society today? Are these risks taken for the greater glory of God or for our own praise, fame or glory?

Brothers and sisters in Christ, as we prepare for the coming of Christ, let us work harder in our spiritual lives, use our talents and gifts from God to praise and proclaim Him to the world and let us go out of our comfort zones by taking risks that will help us grow in faith as we live out and proclaim the gospel of Christ.