In today’s gospel reading from the gospel of Saint Luke 9:28b-36, we hear the story of Jesus’s transfiguration which prefigures His transformation in glory to which we as God’s children are called by our sharing in the paschal mystery that is the dying and rising of Jesus. The word ‘Transfiguration’ can be defined as a change in form or appearance, a metamorphosis or a kind of exalting, glorifying, or spiritual change. So in today’s gospel reading, we hear the story of how Jesus changed in form and appearance before His disciples. We have heard stories of people being transfigured and transformed by Jesus in the Scriptures like the broken, the scared, the worried, the wounded and the wayward etc. Jesus continues to transfigure and transform us today as Catholic Christians through the Sacraments - in Baptism our original sin is cleansed then we are transfigured into God’s children and members of the Church; in Holy Communion we are united more intimately to Christ to strengthen us in our daily battle with sin; in Confirmation we receive the gifts of the Holy Spirit and are transfigured into true soldiers of Christ; in Confession our sins are forgiven and transfigured into new persons in Christ; in Anointing of the Sick we are healed and made physically healthy or adequately prepared for entering eternal life; in Holy Orders the clergy are transfigured by the power of God to serve God’s people in persona Christi as Priest, Teacher, and Pastor; in Matrimony we are changed to become one and called to service by loving our spouses and our children with the same love with which Christ loved his Church. Hence, if we have been transfigured by all these sacraments we have received, and Jesus continues to transform and transfigure us as the Scripture reminds us, then why haven’t we truly changed or transformed our lives spiritual speaking?

So what does the Transfiguration mean for us? Transfiguration for us should be our spiritual change or spiritual metamorphosis into true disciples of Christ and children of God. What needs transfiguration in our lives today?

We can transfigure ourselves this Lenten season firstly by REFLECTING on our spiritual lives that is by rethinking the direction of our lives as Christians. Secondly by REPENTING of our sins through an examination of conscience and by participating in the Sacrament of Confession. Thirdly by RETURNING back to God through Prayer, Fasting and Almsgiving, to follow His ways closely. Lastly by RENEWING our lives that is by changing our lives for good so as to welcome the Risen Christ on Easter Day. Amen!