Yes, the Transfiguration of Jesus in front of Peter, James and John as we heard in today’s gospel reading proofs His divinity, but it is also an act of consolation and support to encourage and give His disciples hope before His upcoming passion and death. This actually reminds us that Jesus always shows His love for His own. That is why in the most challenging and difficult times of our lives, Jesus extends his consolation and love to us, so that we can continue to persevere and move forward.

With His Transfiguration, Jesus also showed His disciples God’s glory and their ultimate goal especially after telling them of his upcoming passion, suffering and death on the cross. The Transfiguration is not just a one time event for Christ’s disciples in the Scriptures, but is an event that keeps on happening over and over again. The Transfiguration happened throughout Jesus’s public ministry, as He transfigured many people’s lives by the power of His love through his words, miracles and ministry, so as to help them come closer to His Father. This same transfiguration still happens in our lives today, through God’s miracles, blessings and mercies on us.

Hence, since the Transfiguration is a source of strength, hope, consolation and perseverance in times of trial, persecution and tribulation, it is presented to us during this Lenten season to help guide and sustain us spiritually as we journey back to God. So how can we transfigure our lives as Christians this Lenten Season? We can transform and transfigure our lives through: (1) Repentance, which is the action of repenting, an act of sincere regret or remorse about one's wrongdoing or sin. Repentance typically requires an admission of guilt for committing a wrong or for omitting to do the right thing. Repentance can be described as a promise or resolve not to repeat the offense. It is an attempt to make restitution for wrongs, or in some way, to reverse the harmful effects of the wrong or the omission where possible. So, repent from your sins and believe in the gospel (2) Reconciliation, which is the restoration of friendly relations, the act of causing two people or groups to become friendly again after an argument or disagreement. Reconciliation refers to the restoration of fractured relationships by overcoming grief, pain, and anger. Hence, reconcile yourself with God this Lenten Season through the Sacrament of Confession. (3) And lastly, Returning to the Lord which means to come or go back to God, to abide in Him, and to reestablish our relationship with Him. So sincerely return to God, then truthfully and wholeheartedly change your life.

My brothers and sisters, as we mortify ourselves during this Lenten season, let us not forget that Jesus is with us and journeys with us. So let us transfigure ourselves to become better children of God by Repenting of our sins, by Reconciling ourselves with God, and by wholeheartedly Returning to Him.