What is most important to you today? What is that which you seek the most? Have you ever thought about death, the afterlife, heaven, hell or purgatory? How are you preparing yourself for the afterlife? If you die today, where would you end up in? These are very serious and important questions to ask yourself today. Some of us have forgotten what should be the center and focus of our lives. Some of us have forgotten we are on a journey here on earth and one day we shall die. Some of us have forgotten that we have technically two options for the afterlife - heaven or hell. Some of us have forgotten that we have to work hard to attain the kingdom of heaven and that the kingdom of heaven is for us. Some of us have become very lazy and some adamant about preparing ourselves to attain the kingdom of heaven.

Saint James reminds us in today’s second reading from the letter of Saint James 5:1-6 to prepare ourselves for the kingdom of heaven, by storing up treasures that will last forever and not wealth that will rot away, not clothes that will be moth-eaten, not gold and silver that will corrode. So what treasures are you storing up for yourself and how are you preparing yourself to attain the kingdom of heaven? We can store up heavenly treasures for ourselves and prepare ourselves to attain the kingdom of heaven by:

Loving others and not being jealous of them. We live in a world where we constantly compare ourselves with others, compete with others or rate/rank ourselves to others. We even become jealous of the achievements of others, rather than giving thanks to God for blessing them. Moses condemns such actions in our first reading today from the book of Numbers 11:25-29 as he calls out Joshua, son of Nun "Are you jealous for my sake?" Jesus also condemns jealousy in today’s gospel reading from the gospel of Saint Mark 9:38-43, 45, 47-48 saying, "Do not prevent him. There is no one who performs a mighty deed in my name who can at the same time speak ill of me. For whoever is not against us is for us."

In order to store up heavenly treasures for ourselves and attain the kingdom of heaven, we have to be hardworking and dedicated in our spiritual lives and practices and not lazy. Hard work and dedication in our spiritual lives was explained by Jesus in the gospel reading as cutting off or separating ourselves from every and anything that leads us to sin or causes us to sin. Hence, by avoiding everything and staying away from those things that destroy our relationship with God, we will certainly deepen our faith in God and will never be lukewarm in our faith.

My brothers and sisters in Christ, it is time to store up heavenly treasures for ourselves. It is time to prepare ourselves to attain the kingdom of heaven. Let us do so by Loving others and not being jealous of them; by being hardworking and dedicated in our spiritual lives and practices and not lazy. And lastly, by deepening our faith in God and never be lukewarm in our faith. Amen!