We have come to teach you to believe in Christ. Yes, for the love of Him we rejoice and in His name we will gladly die. God is my help. No matter what anyone does to me, I shall not be afraid - St. Photina
So what are we called to do as Catholic Christians by this Solemnity of the Body and Blood of Christ we are celebrating today? We are called to: (a) acknowledge and honor the real presence of Christ in the Holy Eucharist; (b) to thank God for remaining with us through the gift of His Son in the Eucharist; and, (c) to be grateful to God for feeding and strengthening us with the Body and Blood of His Son, our Lord Jesus Christ.
My dear friends in Christ, let us listen to Jesus in today’s gospel reading and try our very best to fight hypocrisy in all its forms by being transparent, reliable and trustworthy in leading others closer to God; by being loving, kind, understanding and sympathetic towards our brothers and sisters; and lastly, by being honest, sincere, hardworking and efficient in our spiritual lives so as to bear good fruit that will last.
Let us sincerely and truly participate actively in the Eucharistic celebration so as to receive that food that never perishes, but endures for eternal life, which the Son of Man has given us.