Today's first reading from Isaiah 66:10-14c tells us of God's love for us and the prosperity He has bestowed upon us because of His love for us. St. Paul in the second reading in his letter to the Galatians 6:14-18 reminds us of how God’s love for him has propelled him to live out and proclaim the gospel. In the gospel reading from Luke 10:1-12, 17-20, we are shown how to put that love of God into practice as Jesus sends forth the 72 disciples to proclaim His gospel.

Today's readings emphasizes that our call to discipleship is centered on God’s love for us, but that love has to be actualized in the carrying of our crosses daily and in proclaiming and living out the gospel. So how often do we recognize the love God has for us especially when we continuously beat up ourselves because of our sins and our faults and fail to recognize God’s graces, mercies and blessings upon us? How have we shown and shared the love of God in our lives or reciprocated it in our actions? How do we strengthen that love for God in us? How have we lived out the love of God in our world and society today?

My brothers and sisters, it is time to let the love of God be evident in our thoughts, words and actions as well as alive in our world today. So let us go out and be Christ's love to others in the world.