A preacher must be prepared in his soul to speak the truth, both in denouncing and correcting shortcomings and in praising virtue, to such a point that he is willing in that cause even to face death - Saint John of Sahagun

John was a peacemaker and worker for justice in society. He defended the rights of workers. A sincere and humble man, he was a noted preacher, whose devotion to the Eucharist marked all aspects of his life. John drew his courage and strength especially from the daily celebration of the Eucharist, to which he was highly devoted. As an Augustinian, John preached the gospel fearlessly. He was acclaimed by the people of the city as a wise and prudent confessor, an effective reconciler of feuding families, and a champion of the rights of workers. In his life as a friar, he was humble and sincere, and an example of religious observance to his brethren. (Midwest Augustinians)